Hao Xu: This project aims to represent the drawing “Untitled” designed by Cy Twombly via an object. This object is both representational and physical. Inspired by Cy Twombly’s work, the Displaced Vision focuses on how to re-construct multiple perspectives which were implicit in the drawing, and to represent the overlapped figures in a 3D way with more spatial strategies. The Displaced Vision is made of two parts. The bumpy white figures on the black grounds reflect the original content, but it was deformed with the shift of different new perspectives. The other part of the object, the stripped pattern, reveals new perspective angles and builds these conceived perspectives into three-dimensional volumes. The new object with folded form reverses the sequence of a vision which was seeing to mind, to the mind to seeing. These displaced visions would be conceived first, and then represent with a specific perspective. Like the Twombly’s drawing, it reflects its content in dialectic ways, consistency and variation; the stable and unstable; uniform and disorder. But it is different from the drawing; it extends the contradictions of the drawing with more three-dimensional formal strategies to represent the drawing with implicated spatial hierarchy.