Study Areas

Design and Visualization 1

Summer 2022
Rome: Continuity and Change
Bryan Fuermann, Joyce Hsiang, Bimal Mendis, George Knight

Urbanism and Landscape 3

Summer 2022
Gavin Hogben, Helen Evenden
Summer 2022
Housing: The Constitutional Right
Tatiana Bilbao, Daisy Ames
Summer 2022
The Urban Atlas: Morphology, Typology and Thick Space
Alan Plattus, Andrei Harwell

University Courses Outside of YSoA

This site contains all courses offered by Yale University in the current term, with the exception of courses in the School of Medicine. Accessible up-to-date information includes the course title, name of instructor(s), meeting time, and meeting place. Courses offered elsewhere in the University may be taken for credit with permission of the instructor.

Students who would like to take a non-School of Architecture course to satisfy an area elective requirement must obtain permission of the study area coordinator(s).